How many times had you lose an opportunity because of a little mistake or a chain of little mistakes? How many times had you a group work in danger just for being careless? How many times had you lost friends just for being impatient? How many times you had find yourself asking why didn't you pay attention to that class/advice/lecture? How many times had you passed a bad time just for a small distraction?
How many times.....
Theres is a time in adult life when you start to consider that you're not going anywhere if you kept to doing things the same way you always do. Einstein once said that mad people are the ones that think that something can change if they do the same thing each day. Then: Why do we keep repeating the same actions? It's some kind of spell or something? The answer is more common on these days: It's our comfort zone.
But, don't miss understand me, this is not another couching website, self help book or anything like that. Modern life has given us several ways to ease our life. Living in such easy environment makes our needs of effort near to zero. Food, ceiling and even sex it's undemanding this era. The wish of becoming successful is only limited by the society, at the same time we ignore society while being in our smartphones. Surely the chances of an ADHD patient back in stone era was very low compared with nowadays. Information era is intoxicating our minds with data we don't have to know, events we don't have to attend, people we don't have to know, food we don't have to eat, images we don't have too see and audio we don't have to hear. Unnecessary information tracks with itself a lot things that are wasting our time. Life is for now a limited resource and is better to earn something from it.
If you don't believe me try the QualityTime App. This app will track how much time are you spending in your phone. Luckily if you have no problems focusing you it'll count 3 or four hours only in social media. If you sum 3 hours per day during a month it's 90 hours, 1080 hours per year. Maybe you are thinking: "But it's my way to rest" or "I communicate with my friends using that apps". Don't my mind me if you think different, but social media is not for rest, your mind is occupied reading or watching photos or videos, commenting, reacting, uploading. Is your communication more effective using these apps that speaking directly? You feel more connected with your friends or family? Things are the same when you're face to face?. If you're not longer and edgy teen, the answer is probably yes.
This is an invitation to invest your time in something productive. Aside publicity and networking social media and entertainment could be blocking your path. I'm sure you could change the word with your work and you could be more effective if you get rid of superfluous information. For me in now concentrated in learn new technologies, work in my leadership skill, be fluent English, and finish the university.
Never forget, step by step. Success is not the happiness, happiness it's in the road to success.