If you've been following this blog you may know that I discovered my ADD problem only five months ago (December 2019) and since that point my live has change drastically. Before this finding I couldn't find anything that helps me to concentrate on my personal projects. I'd tried everything from self-help books to advanced strategies to avoid procrastination: Pomodoro technique, self-restraint, calendar applications, meditation, yoga, etc. Now after studying a lot about ADHD and the implications in the limbic system, symptoms, strategies, medication and so on I could say that a lot people out there are currently suffering it.
Medicine as other sciences follows a pattern-based criteria to determine whether given some symptoms someone is showing signs to a certain illness. If you a are fully capable of distinguish symptoms in an individual according to a criteria obtained from a reliable source them you could be sure you're right in a diagnostic. For ADHD in particular, traits manifest as identifiable behaviors (Look a basic symptom descripton here). Between my circle (Which is mainly composed of people that I'd known for many years) I have already found four people that have a high chance of bear the malady, my best friend and my twin brother and my crush are part of them (curious that the closest people around me are the same).
Yes, there is a big probability that I'd chosen people based of the similarities we share, but it stills means that there are four more not diagnosed individuals. My theory is that at least 10% of the world population suffers ADHD but they look so similar compared to people with neuro-typical brains that it's very onerous to discover this kind of decease in a society thats put so much pressure on working hard. All the effort of neuro-typical ones will qualify this conduct as lazy or careless instead of looking after other explanations.
If you're reading this and want to empathize with other people with ADHD you could put your bets on discovering another patients. Anyone that looks lazy, careless or clumsy is a possible case, don't blame them and guide them to a professional.
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