Ten years ago I got my first job as a tecnology supporter in a company called imporfenix. The first six months in the company were as an apprentice. During the time in imporfenix I got a lot of problems because I was very clueless. It's true as an apprentice you tend to make a lot a mistakes, but my case was something unique:
- One day I was alone on the tecnology office, because the other 3 members of the department were busy in other offices attending reunions and other support activities. A mate from the accounting deparment went to the office and asked for help about an error on his computer. I tell him I could connect to his computer via remote desktop but he insisted that he was having a lot of troblue because of the error and he needed a fast way to make it work, so I decided to follow him. Before leaving the office I put the door lock (the classic button lock door knoob) and before clossing it my mate asked if I was carrying the keys and I immediately answer yes, before clossing it again he ask me: "Are you sure?"without hesitating I replied yes again. Before the last centimeter of the door was closed a last "Sure?" when out of his mouth, meanwhile the door closing sound was on the air and I was whispering yes while looking in my pocket to get the keys and show to him once and for all that I got keys. When my hand reached the bottom of my pocket my mate suspicions were confirmed: The keys were inside the office.
- During an important event at the company resort I was in charge of the sound in the auditory. My duty was to test the sound 2 horus before the event start, I setted the stereos correctly, but nothing seemed to work, 1 hour before the event I told the general manager(and the main speaker of the cofference) about the mishap. The manager was very upset because of the situation and told me to fix it immediately in front of a lot of people. With the pressure of fixing an unfounded problem I started to sweat and try to do everything even pressing buttoms that I did never pressed before, but nothing worked. A few minutes before the event start one of the logistic directors went near me and gave me a hand. The problem with the stereo was that te volume must been over certain level to be really hearable. Because of my mistake the director of the thecnology area(my boss) went to the resort just for nothing, and in his way home he gotinvoled in a car accident, fortunatelly he got not injuries, but his car was full lost.
- After moving to a brand new offices, the company was in a lot of work because of inventories. One of the logistic managers was having problems with his computer during the process and my boss told me to buy a SSD (Solid state disk) to improve the laptop capabilities. The disk was adquired by the hands of one of our best providers, so I dispose myself to make the change. I set up a table and a screwdriver then started to remove each screw, one by one, before I started to remove the last screw I found difficulty turning it so apparently applying more force was the best solution I could thought. The constant pressure ended up damaging the screw, after my fault that screw was nearly immovable. That day the lecture from my boss was long and then he send me with the laptop to home a said that was better from me not to return unless I got a solution for the issue. The start smile at me back then because my grandfather worked at the screw industry and did a great job removing the little metal piece.
I would be repetitive saying that you might think that I was just very clueless but here I'm going to link these anecdotes to an ADD symptom: Constantly you will find yourself having difficulties paying attention to small details and have a tendency to make careless mistakes: In my mind the keys were clearly in my pocket and isntead of cheking it, I just ignore my mate suggestion to check again. Same
in case two, checking the volume at max rate would be probably a better
option to just make few changes on the volume level. On max volume even
static would sound in the stereo. Not to speak about the last case and how I tried to force a faling method.
There were many other little mistakes during my carreer and the quantity was the law. If someday you find someone who is clueless, careless, and easily gets distracted is not crazy to think he's facing an undiagnosed ADD. Told him about ADD and how problematic could it be for his professional life.

There were many other little mistakes during my carreer and the quantity was the law. If someday you find someone who is clueless, careless, and easily gets distracted is not crazy to think he's facing an undiagnosed ADD. Told him about ADD and how problematic could it be for his professional life.
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